Check Point: Threat Emulation Explained by | Advanced Threat Prevention HD

Check Point: Threat Emulation Explained by | Advanced Threat Prevention
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Компания Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. — мировой поставщик решений в области обеспечения интернет-безопасности, единственный поставщик средств обеспечения полной безопасности Total Security для сетей, данных и конечных узлов, объединенных единой средой управления.

Threat Emulation Explained by | Advanced Threat Prevention.

's Threat new Threat Emulation Software Blade prevents infections from undiscovered exploits, zero-day and targeted attacks. For more information: 's Threat new Threat Emulation Software Blade prevents infections from undiscovered exploits, zero-day and targeted attacks. This innovative solution quickly inspects suspicious files, emulates how they run to discover malicious behavior and completely prevents malware from entering the network. Threat Emulation also immediately reports new threats to 's ThreatCloud™ service and automatically shares the newly identified threats with other customers.As part of the SandBlast Zero-Day Protection solution, Threat Emulation prevents infections from new malware and targeted attacks. This innovative zero-day threat sandboxing capability within the SandBlast solution delivers the best possible catch rate for threats, and is virtually immune to attackers’ evasion techniques.
Hi martin