Поиск по тегу «cyber attack prevention» в разделе Видеокаталог

HD 01:04:31
Check Point: Webinar replay – Auto-scale advanced security for Microsoft Azure
For more information visit: Webinar replay - hear from customer George Dialectakis, IT Consultant at Eversource Energy, on how they leverage CloudGuard IaaS advanced threat prevention security for their Microsoft Azure cloud environme...
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HD 00:05:08
Check Point: Advanced Cloud Security - CloudGuard Overview
For more information visit on advanced cloud security solutions visit, Discover CloudGuard, 's advanced cloud security solution. The cloud enables business benefits like agile computing and elastic scalability, but also introduces new clou...
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HD 00:02:49
Check Point: Advanced Cyber Security for 2018 | Prevent Gen V Cyber Attacks with Infinity
More information: ... Infinity is the first consolidated security across networks, cloud and mobile, providing the highest level of threat prevention against both known and unknown targeted attacks to keep you protected now and in the fut...
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HD 00:01:25
Check Point: Advanced Cyber Security for 2018 | Infinity
Learn more at Introducing Infinity, the world’s most advanced cyber security and management architecture. Infinity consolidates security across network, cloud and mobile, keeping you secured from known and unknown threats, today and in ...
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HD 00:03:59
Check Point: Threat Emulation Explained by | Advanced Threat Prevention
's Threat new Threat Emulation Software Blade prevents infections from undiscovered exploits, zero-day and targeted attacks. For more information: 's Threat new Threat Emulation Software Blade prevents infections from undiscovered exploit...
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HD 00:03:59
Check Point: Threat Emulation Explained by | Advanced Threat Prevention
's Threat new Threat Emulation Software Blade prevents infections from undiscovered exploits, zero-day and targeted attacks. For more information: 's Threat new Threat Emulation Software Blade prevents infections from undiscovered exploit...
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HD 00:04:23
Check Point: SmartEvent | Security Management Walk-Through
Are you tired of managing security by manually searching through millions of logs to find the information you need? There is a better way! Watch this SmartEvent Video to learn how to manage your security more efficiently. For more informa...
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