CROC's Kompressor Data Center, In English
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CROC's Kompressor Data Center.
Kompressor Data Center is CROC's largest commercial data center in Moscow, Russia. CROC provides a wide range of outsourcing services (including colocation, public clouds, and infrastructure outsourcing) based on this data center. Kompressor Data Center is TIER 3 design and facility certified by the Uptime Institute. Data center TIER 3 certification confirms that all engineering systems are redundant and can be concurrently maintained, including adding new and replacing failed equipment without the need to interrupt data center operations. The availability level of TIER 3 certified data centers is estimated at 99.982%.With a total floor space of 5,000 m2 (approximately 53,800 ft2) and total power capacity of 8 MW, Kompressor Data Center can accommodate up to 800 racks (average power per rack is 6 kW). The data center is equipped with more than 20 cutting-edge engineering systems, including uninterrupted power supply, air conditioning, automated gas fire-suppression, structured cabling, security, CCTV and data center monitoring systems.Kompressor Data Center 3d floor plan is available at For more information about CROC, please go to or contact us by phone +7 (495) 974-2274 or via e-mail: CROC's head office is located at 5 block 1 Volochaevskaya St., Moscow, 111033, Russia.Thank you for watching!
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