CROC: Simulates State Hermitage Museum’s Jupiter Hall in Virtual Reality, Решения КРОК HD

CROC: Simulates State Hermitage Museum’s Jupiter Hall in Virtual Reality
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КРОК 411 роликов

Компания КРОК — российский лидер в области создания ИТ-инфраструктур, №1 в России по услугам системной интеграции (отчеты IDC за 2002-2010 гг).

Simulates State Hermitage Museum’s Jupiter Hall in Virtual Reality.

At the end of 2017, the State Hermitage Museum and CROC’s Virtual Reality Center unveiled a virtual simulation of the State Hermitage Museum’s Jupiter Hall. 

Having put on VR glasses, visitors can walk through the Jupiter virtual hall and, using a joystick, approach any masterpiece, and listen to information about the history of its creation, creator and art style, thus feeling like visiting a real museum. 

The virtual model comprises exhibits and interiors digitized in 3D and kept in a high-performance workstation. In addition, CROC specialists developed a new photogrammetry data visualization technique for VR environments to ensure a highly realistic experience.

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