Softline: Sergey Chernovolenko. Trends in cyberdefence. HD

Softline: Sergey Chernovolenko. Trends in cyberdefence.
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Softline 424 ролика

Компания Softline, образованная в 1993 году, – международная компания в сфере лицензирования программного обеспечения и оказания полного спектра ИТ-услуг по обучению, консалтингу, технической и юридической поддержкам, ИТ-аутсорсингу.

Sergey Chernovolenko. Trends in cyberdefence..

Softline has one of the most professional cybersecurity teams. We implement hundreds of projects every year; we take into account the industry-specific requirements of our clients, and guarantee that our security products and services are of high quality and affordable implementation and maintenance cost. Our portfolio includes a broad range of solutions. 

We have all the necessary licenses to perform cybersecurity works: Sergey Chernovolenko, Global CEO softline speaks about biggest cyber threats of modern world, major trends in cyberdefence and benefits Softline provides.

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