voximplant: Enabling Rapid Business Expansion with Cloud Communications HD

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Voximplant 176 роликов
Enabling Rapid Business Expansion with Cloud Communications.
Fikri Firat – Product Manager of Strategic Products, VoxboneHow consumers communicate with businesses is changing at a pace we’ve never seen before. However, the fact that voice is still the most preferred means of such an interaction proves the most important aspect of this experience: trust. Establishing trust in consumers is challenging and oftentimes closely coupled with local presence. I will explore challenges how recent developments in cloud communications platforms fit in an enterprise and how it can be leveraged to drive business expansion with minimal investment without compromising quality.
Сайт конференции: https://intercomconf.com/
Конференция прошла при поддержке компаний Voximplant, Logitech, dialog, Smartcalls.