DATA MINER: Alexei Vinogradov - KISS PageObjects, DATA MINER: TestCon Moscow 2017 HD
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DATA MINER: TestCon Moscow 2017
DATA MINER 23 ролика
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Alexei Vinogradov - KISS PageObjects.
TestCon Moscow 2017 Conference, April 27. Page Objects is probably the best-known pattern for UI Automation in Testing. Still implementing the Page Objects can be tricky in many ways even for the most typical web application. Alexei will introduce 3 types of PageObjects implementation (“Static”, “Void” and “Fluent”), which he has successfully used in his projects and explain their advantages and drawback. He will also explain why some other/additional patterns you can find in blogs/books or even get recommended in conference talks are actually no good. Warning: some pieces of advice may look provocative or even change the way you look at designing UI tests completely! The session will show Java Code examples (Selenium/Selenide) highlighting the implementation details.
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