ITGLOBAL: Partner Webinar: Simple steps to unlock 30% revenue model on your cloud business - видео HD

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Partner Webinar: Simple steps to unlock 30% revenue model on your cloud business - видео.
We are an international Cloud & Managed IT Service Provider presented around the globe with our best-of-breed in-house hardware from top vendors and providing reliable, high-performance IaaS service for 13 years, so you can grow your business with our expertise support.
If you are:
— willing to expand your portfolio with Cloud Services?
— starting an expansion to new regions?
— searching for competitive hosting for your SaaS Solution?
— creating your own Cloud Business under your brand?
The webinar is dedicated to the different cloud partner programs. While most hyperscales offer partners no more than 5-7% return, ITGLOBAL.COM — 30% from each payment.
#cloudsolutions #businessdevelopment #partner
0:00 Introduction
1:58 About ITG (geography, core business, data centers)
04:21 Why IAAS market is so attractive?
08:50 Ways to deal on cloud market. Possibilities for ISP
11:27 ITGLOBAL Partner program (levels, key features and benefits)
16:59 Range of cloud services for resellers
21:25 Easy Breezy Agent Program: for very easy way to get revenue
21:55 White Label Partner Program: selling clouds under your own brand
28:13 Technical basis: about virtualization platform vStack
31:55 Case study
35:04 Q&A
38:08 Q: Am I understood right that if we already have our own VMware platform, we can publish it on your
39:20 Q:Can we just buy licenses from you and deploy the solution on our own hardware?
41:07 Q: And we have enterprise customers, so your prepaid model is not suitable for us, do you have the opportunity to make a post-payment?
42:27 Q:We are software developers based on the SaaS model, and infrastructure is a significant part of our costs, so we are looking for ways to optimize. Can we use your platform purely as an infrastructure? The IaaS business is not our focus.
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Marina Ionova, Partner Manager