Поиск по тегу «zero-day malware» в разделе Видеокаталог

HD 00:02:24
Check Point: SandBlast Mobile: How It Works
Accurate threat detection is a critical component of preventing advanced attacks on smartphones and tablets. Traditional mobile anti-virus, signature-based solutions identify known threats, but they can't detect zero-day malware or apps tha...
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HD 00:02:10
Check Point: SandBlast Mobile: Protecting Against Malicious Apps
Our mobile devices are used for both personal and business purposes. Installing new apps may compromise both your private and corporate data. Every year, malicious apps downloaded from official app stores infect millions of mobile devices....
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HD 00:01:42
Check Point: 時代はゼロデイからゼロセカンド(秒)へ – サンドボックス機能比較
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