Поиск по тегу «zero-day attack» в разделе Видеокаталог

HD 00:03:01
Cybertinel: Защита инфраструктуры от уязвимостей нулевого дня
«Астерос Информационная безопасность» предлагает решение для защиты инфраструктуры заказчика от уязвимостей «нулевого дня» и расследования хакерских атак с помощью технологий ведущего израильского производителя Cybertinel. Включите рус...
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HD 00:00:43
Check Point: Customer Quote: ThreatCloud Emulation Discovers and Prevents Zero-Day Attacks
Gimv IT Manager Kristof Poppe comments on 's Threat Emulation and zero day attacks.
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HD 00:24:38
Check Point: The Security Zone Ep. 2: Forget Zero Day, Hello Zero Second
Delayed response is no longer enough to protect your business from the speed of malware. We need a ZERO SECOND response. A recent benchmark test assessed how fast Threat Emulation and other competitive products stop malware from entering a...
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HD 00:01:43
Check Point: Malware Threat Prevention | Zero-Day, Zero-Second.
What can malware do in 60 seconds? One minute can change everything for a business. So what happens when the speed of business is overtaken by the speed of malware? The team devised a test to quantify that exact question. Learn More: As ...
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HD 00:01:58
Check Point: Threat Prevention: Receives Top Marks For Zero-Day Malware Block Rates
In a world of ever-changing cyber threats, organizations are facing the unprecedented growth of unknown malware. These attacks focus on stealing data, sabotaging business continuity, or damaging a company’s reputation. To protect against th...
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