Поиск по тегу «cloud» в разделе Видеокаталог
HD 00:18:31
Check Point: Cyber Security in the Era of Exponential Technology
Amnon Bar-Lev - President, Software We are in an extraordinary time in human history. Thanks to innovative and disruptive technologies we live longer, healthier and more educated than ever before. While technologies such as cloud computin...
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HD 00:16:07
Check Point: Moving to the Public Cloud, Securely - FireChat with AWS & Azure
More than 70% of the organizations are committed to a cloud strategy in 2017. Businesses are moving their applications to the Cloud to gain more agility and efficencies. At the same time, Cloud security remains their top concern. Customers...
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HD 00:04:32
Check Point: R80.10 Security Management | Tech Bytes: Gateways, Logs, and Manage & Settings
This video is an overview that describes important features and functionality of the R80.10 SmartConsole. More information: To learn more about R80.10 Security Management: Infinity is the only fully consolidated cyber security architec...
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HD 00:01:25
Check Point: Advanced Cyber Security for 2018 | Infinity
Learn more at Introducing Infinity, the world’s most advanced cyber security and management architecture. Infinity consolidates security across network, cloud and mobile, keeping you secured from known and unknown threats, today and in ...
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HD 00:06:39
Cloud & Digital Transformation-2017: космическая эффективность: управляемые услуги поверх облаков
23 марта 2017 на международной конференции Cloud & Digital Transformation-2017 Сергей Зинкевич, эксперт по гибридным облакам КРОК, выступил с докладом "Космическая эффективность: управляемые услуги поверх облаков"
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HD 01:03:18
Check Point: and Tufin: Security Management for the Future | Enterprise Network Security
and Tufin provide complete, simplified and automated security management for the enterprise network of the future. For more information: Together, the Tufin Orchestration Suite with Firewalls and Security Management products provide ad...
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HD 00:43:39
Check Point: & Arista: The Journey to Secure Cloud Networking
Learn from our experts about how and Arista’s Macro-Segmentation Service (MSS) protects the modern data center. For more information: With and Arista CloudVision MSS, ’s data center firewalls can be attached anywhere in the network on ...
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HD 00:02:14
Check Point: Automating vSEC in OpenStack | Tech Bytes
Demo video showcasing automation and orchestration of vSEC Security Gateway in OpenStack (without narration). For more information:
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HD 00:02:14
Check Point: Automating vSEC in OpenStack | Tech Bytes
Demo video showcasing automation and orchestration of vSEC Security Gateway in OpenStack (without narration). For more information:
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HD 00:07:58
Check Point: 2017 Cyber Security Survey
Donald Meyer, Head of Marketing, Data Center and Cloud, discusses top security concerns that IT professionals have regarding Cloud and Mobility security. For more information:
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HD 00:07:15
Check Point: vSEC, The Future of Cloud Security
In this video, you’ll hear from Donald Meyer, Head of Marketing, Data Center and Cloud, where he discusses issues surrounding Cloud security and how organizations can better protect themselves from vulnerabilities in the Cloud. For more in...
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HD 00:00:38
Check Point: vSEC for your AWS Workloads
Utilizing the same security management tool across your hybrid cloud architecture can help your organization be more secure and agile. Maximize the strength of your security posture and capacity for innovation in cloud environments with vSE...
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HD 00:00:32
Check Point: Secure Your AWS Apps and Data | Cloud Security
vSEC delivers comprehensive threat prevention security with consolidated management and enforcement for AWS hybrid clouds. For more information:
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HD 00:02:16
Знакомство с DirectumRX
DirectumRX позволяет упорядочить работу с документами, сделать бизнес-процессы прозрачными, а поиск информации – быстрым. Смотрите сами:
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HD 00:32:47
DATA MINER: Ewald Roodenrijs - The Real Cloud Testing Story
TestCon Vilnius 2016. Software Testing & QA Conference. October 21, 2016 | The growth of cloud based computing has outstripped even the most optimistic predictions. That growth is based on a compelling value proposition: speed to market,...
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HD 00:03:39
Check Point: Presentan lo ̼ltimo en seguridad informatica, Cloud Computing y VirtualizaciÌ_n
Software Technologies Ltd. — крупнейший в мире поставщик в области безопасности. Компания предлагает покупателям ведущие в индустрии решения и защищает покупателей от кибератак с непревзойденным уровнем успешного обнаружения вре...
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HD 00:02:42
Check Point: SandBlast Cloud Advanced Threat Prevention for Microsoft Office 365 | Email Security
Dramatic growth in the use of cloud-based email for the enterprise brings with it an array of security risks, including susceptibility to sophisticated cyber attacks such as ransomware and APTs which use email as a primary entry point. San...
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HD 00:38:09
DATA MINER: James Letley & Javid Khan - Accelerating innovation through AWS Cloud technology
DevOps Pro Vilnius 2016 -
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HD 00:11:03
КРОК: Возможности Облака КРОК
9 июня 2016 г Вебинар «Три головы облака КРОК» Доклад «Возможности Облака КРОК» Сергей Зинкевич, Менеджер по продвижению решений Подробнее http://www.croc.ru/action/detail/64870/
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HD 00:27:16
КРОК: ScaleIO – новая звезда на рынке программно-определяемых СХД
29 марта 2016 г Тест-драйв «AGENT КРОК 00Scale. Внедрение» Доклад «ScaleIO – новая звезда на рынке программно-определяемых СХД» Вадим Болотнов, директор центра решений КРОК на базе технологий EMC Подробнее http://www.croc.ru/action/...
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HD 00:02:44
Check Point: and VMware Partnership delivers advanced security for the SDDC | Cloud Security
More Information: VMware and Partnership delivers advanced security for the Software-Defined Data Center. vSEC integration with VMware NSX delivers dynamic orchestration of advanced threat prevention for all traffic in the Software-Def...
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HD 00:10:29
КРОК: Облако как инструмент сокращения затрат
27 апреля 2016 г Вебинар «Эффективные ИТ - эффективный бизнес, или облака спешат на помощь» Доклад «Облако как инструмент сокращения затрат» Грибанова Наталья, финансовый директор КРОК Подробнее http://www.croc.ru/action/webinars/63...
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HD 00:16:09
Облака КРОК: Российское сельское хозяйство
12 апреля 2016 на Евразийском форуме «DataCenters Cloud&IoT» Сергей Потапов, Начальник Управления ИТ, Группа Компаний «Русагро», выступил с докладом «Российское сельское хозяйство в облаке КРОК»
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HD 00:11:58
КРОК на страже тройных облачных гарантий
12 апреля 2016 на Евразийском форуме «DataCenters Cloud&IoT» Максим Березин, руководитель Виртуального дата-центра КРОК, выступил с докладом «Суперагенты КРОК на страже тройных облачных гарантий»
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HD 00:02:43
Check Point: Introduces Next-Generation Threat Prevention Appliances | Advanced Threat Prevention
Introducing the next-generation of appliances designed to unleash the full power of advanced threat prevention security for businesses of all sizes. For more information visit: Gen V Cyber Security is here: Infinity is the first conso...
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HD 00:01:54
Check Point: 700 Series Appliances for Small Business - Product Video | SMB Cyber Security
As a small business, your focus is on building unique products, driving sales, and providing excellent service to your customers. Security is important but it seems like every week there is some new piece of software or equipment to prote...
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HD 00:54:57
Check Point: Understanding SandBlast - Zero-Day Protection
Understanding your exposure to threats—and what you can do about it is not only responsible business management—it’s critical to business survival. More information: Turn Security into an Enabler, Not a Disabler. SandBlast Zero-Day Prote...
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HD 00:02:45
Check Point: SandBlast Zero-Day Protection | Advanced Threat Prevention
Learn how to take the first steps to enable your security gateway to leverage the SandBlast Cloud Service or the SandBlast Appliance. Learn more at: See what end users would experience, and what security administrators can expect to see. ...
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HD 00:23:02
Softline: "Облака для всех: от дешевых до дорогих" Леонид Аникин, Softline
Облака для всех: от дешевых до дорогих. "Облачные сервисы покупают прежде всего компании с рынков, где есть конкуренция. Конкуренция подталкивает к большей эффективности бизнеса. И тогда облачные сервисы чаще всего возникают в виде одних из...
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HD 00:05:06
Почему внешний ЦОД - правильное решение?
Решая задачу оптимизации ИТ-инфраструктуры, многие компании стоят перед выбором: строить собственный дата-центр или перенести оборудование и сервисы в коммерческий? В новом видеоролике про ЦОД "ТрастИнфо" рассматриваются преимущества испол...
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