
Cool but there is an open smart mirror project already called magic mirror online and people build their own with embedded google assistant or Alexa too
Jezas, yet another device to kill the IRL experience…
products like this are so inspiring… if they can get their dumb bullshit on techcrunch, I could too.
Anyone excited to shop at an Amazon Go store? Read the CNET article: Amazon Go cashierless store arrives in San Francisco —
great another camera to spy on people
This is so awesome.
Alexa can we play despacito 2…
Take away the workout bullshit and give me just weather and we good.
Maybe even Google Home kinda thing in a mirror.
LOL waste of money
So are you guys excited for 5G?

Thanks for watching! ICYMI, watch Bridget break down synthetic DNA as a way to store your data:
Thanks I'll go with iPad Pro 2018, waiting for it
Приходите на наш курс «Базовые практики планирования ТОиР, управления надежностью и критичностью оборудования по методике RCM»
Трэш smile Шеф, все пропало, гипс снимают, клиент уезжает:)
These were some of the worst example photos ive seen.
And not a single night mode photo (you DID know you can use that in daytime too for extra shadow detail, right?)
Garbage! Microsoft needs to fire all of their hardware designers! How do products like this even make​ the market ?!
Really wish they would honor first responders and offer a discount like they do for the military
Серёга просто здорово smile Оказывается ты уже давно знаком с флексами smile
А чего это у вас маркировка разрезов и фасадов неправославная какая-то?
The headphone (it's headphones, plural btw) are «comfortal» to wear, whatever that means
Дед выжил из ума. Однозначно.
Дмитрий благодарю Вас за ваш труд!!! А подскажите пожалуйста, возможно будет увидеть лекцию в записи…, может как то на платной основе? Живу в Железноводске и конечно накладно летать на лекции в Москву… а услышать лекцию очень хочется!!! Заранее благодарна. С уважением!!!