Робототехника плейлист

16 роликов
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6 роликов 1355716 просмотров обновлен 6 лет назад Поделиться
HD 00:03:16
SpotMini Autonomous Navigation
SpotMini autonomously navigates a specified route through an office and lab facility. Before the test, the robot is manually driven through the space so it can build a map of the space using visual data from cameras mounted on the front, ba...
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HD 00:00:34
Getting some air, Atlas?
HD 00:00:25
The New SpotMini
For more information . . . stay tuned.
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HD 00:00:55
What's new, Atlas?
What have you been up to lately, Atlas?
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HD 00:02:42
Atlas, The Next Generation
A new version of Atlas, designed to operate outdoors and inside buildings. It is specialized for mobile manipulation. It is electrically powered and hydraulically actuated. It uses sensors in its body and legs to balance and LIDAR and st...
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HD 00:01:37
Introducing Handle
Handle is a research robot that stands 6.5 ft tall, travels at 9 mph and jumps 4 feet vertically. It uses electric power to operate both electric and hydraulic actuators, with a range of about 15 miles on one battery charge. Handle uses m...
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