Amazon is using AI in almost everything it does HD

Amazon is using AI in almost everything it does
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Amazon is using AI in almost everything it does.

CNN's Rachel Crane goes inside Amazon HQ to see how Amazon uses AI to improve customer experiences, from cashier-less stores to Alexa's new tricks.

This is just a smart way of punishing poor people who can't afford food because Amazon is so greedy
Ponno Kutir
Alexa who is the interviewer?
jake black
Why are people so worried about «jobs». The vast majority of people hate their job(s). If all these jobs are automated new jobs will be created to fulfill needs we once did not have the resources to fulfill.

If that is no longer possible because everything can be automated then capitalism has hit the end of the road and universal basic income can be implemented. This nonsense talk about «jobs» is beyond irrelevant. Machines can either automate everything or they can't.

If they can't no discussion is needed. If they can, a discussion much bigger than «jobs» will need to be had.
australian fines
hate amazon, watch people how much power u giving
australian fines
reality is they dont want to pay employees, they want all profit for themselves… people are blind and greedy who use them
australian fines
cnn is fake news, and propagating their agenda
Love Life
You guys have no idea whats being done. This is light
David Gutierrez-Aguirre
why is the audio in this video absolutely garbage?
wont be long and it will be robots talking to robots.
Arben Wilson
The future is scary