DATA MINER: Keynote: DevOps = Effectiveness First! - Alexander Schwartz, DATA MINER: DevOps Pro Vilnius 2017 HD

DATA MINER: Keynote: DevOps = Effectiveness First! - Alexander Schwartz
  1. DATA MINER: DevOps Pro Vilnius 2017 aftermovie

    DATA MINER: DevOps Pro Vilnius 2017 aftermovie

    DATA MINER 00:01:58
  2. DATA MINER: Keynote: Agile is dead! Long live DevOps - Martin Hinshelwood

    DATA MINER: Keynote: Agile is dead! Long live DevOps - Martin Hinshelwood

    DATA MINER 00:36:10
  3. DATA MINER: Infrastructure is Code - Introduction to Azure Resource Manager - Rainer Stropek

    DATA MINER: Infrastructure is Code - Introduction to Azure Resource Manager - Rainer Stropek

    DATA MINER 00:42:40
  4. DATA MINER: Do You Even DevOps? - Jeffery C Hackert

    DATA MINER: Do You Even DevOps? - Jeffery C Hackert

    DATA MINER 00:42:15
  5. DATA MINER: The Road to Continuous Deployment: a case study - Michiel Rook

    DATA MINER: The Road to Continuous Deployment: a case study - Michiel Rook

    DATA MINER 00:41:45
  6. DATA MINER: Docker Containers in the Microsoft Universe - Rainer Stropek

    DATA MINER: Docker Containers in the Microsoft Universe - Rainer Stropek

    DATA MINER 00:44:43
  7. DATA MINER: Sudo install DevOps - Mark Heistek

    DATA MINER: Sudo install DevOps - Mark Heistek

    DATA MINER 00:38:24
  8. DATA MINER: Enterprise I.T. is dead, long live enterprise I.T. - Yves Hwang

    DATA MINER: Enterprise I.T. is dead, long live enterprise I.T. - Yves Hwang

    DATA MINER 00:26:57
  9. DATA MINER: DevOps Zero to DevOps Hero with Visual Studio Team Services" - Martin Hinshelwood

    DATA MINER: DevOps Zero to DevOps Hero with Visual Studio Team Services" - Martin Hinshelwood

    DATA MINER 00:41:12
  10. DATA MINER: Heralding Change - how to get engineers on board - Anton Weiss

    DATA MINER: Heralding Change - how to get engineers on board - Anton Weiss

    DATA MINER 00:30:05
  11. DATA MINER: How to Build a Micro-services Infrastructure In 7 Days - Gil Tayar

    DATA MINER: How to Build a Micro-services Infrastructure In 7 Days - Gil Tayar

    DATA MINER 00:36:13
  12. DATA MINER: Key DevOps Practices - Ivan Evtukhovich

    DATA MINER: Key DevOps Practices - Ivan Evtukhovich

    DATA MINER 00:30:00
  13. DATA MINER: DevOps in world leading product development - Mikko Paukkila

    DATA MINER: DevOps in world leading product development - Mikko Paukkila

    DATA MINER 00:37:15
  14. DATA MINER: Building Microsoft Azure solutions - Laurynas Dovydaitis

    DATA MINER: Building Microsoft Azure solutions - Laurynas Dovydaitis

    DATA MINER 00:38:01
  15. DATA MINER: Skynet your Infrastructure with QUADS and Foreman - Will Foster

    DATA MINER: Skynet your Infrastructure with QUADS and Foreman - Will Foster

    DATA MINER 00:38:02
  16. DATA MINER: Upgrading to Puppet 4 - Martin Alfke

    DATA MINER: Upgrading to Puppet 4 - Martin Alfke

    DATA MINER 00:39:19
  17. DATA MINER: From Development to Production in 5 minutes: is your Company Ready? - Carlos Leon

    DATA MINER: From Development to Production in 5 minutes: is your Company Ready? - Carlos Leon

    DATA MINER 00:29:59
  18. DATA MINER: DevOps at Scale applied in Bunnyworld - Uldis Karlovs-Karlovskis

    DATA MINER: DevOps at Scale applied in Bunnyworld - Uldis Karlovs-Karlovskis

    DATA MINER 00:32:02
  19. DATA MINER: Prometheus Is Good for Your Small Startup - Ignacio P. Carretero

    DATA MINER: Prometheus Is Good for Your Small Startup - Ignacio P. Carretero

    DATA MINER 00:29:31
  20. DATA MINER: Keynote: Sell me this DevOps - Mark Smalley

    DATA MINER: Keynote: Sell me this DevOps - Mark Smalley

    DATA MINER 00:27:03
  21. DATA MINER: Keynote: DevOps = Effectiveness First! - Alexander Schwartz

    DATA MINER: Keynote: DevOps = Effectiveness First! - Alexander Schwartz

    DATA MINER 00:23:06

DATA MINER 239 роликов

DATA MINER LABS - международная компания по обучению, которая специализируется в области Business Intelligence, Data Analytics & Data Mining.

Keynote: DevOps = Effectiveness First! - Alexander Schwartz.

In this talk, we explore in detail how efficiency and effectiveness are related to DevOps and the traditional separation of Development and Operations.
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