DATA MINER: Michael Palotas - Selenium Grid HD

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Michael Palotas - Selenium Grid.
TestCon Moscow 2017 Conference, April 27. Selenium Grid – Building a Scalable, Reliable and Maintainable Execution Infrastructure for Your Selenium TestsAccording to the Gartner Magic Quadrant for test automation, Selenium will become the de-facto standard by 2020 for test automation. One could say that Selenium already “is” the standard for automating web and mobile applications. Many organisations have started to build up substantial test suites with Selenium. While Selenium allows for a relatively easy way to write tests (assuming software development know-how), organisations often lack an execution environment with browsers and mobiles where those tests can be run in a reliable and scalable fashion. Selenium provides the Selenium Grid component to execute tests in parallel, which drastically reduces the time of test runs. Setting up the Selenium Grid for demo/proof of concept purposes is a relatively simple task. However, the setup, operation, and up-keeping of a highly scalable, up-to-date, stable, cost-efficient and secure Selenium Grid infrastructure is highly complex and time-consuming.
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