DATA MINER: Lucian Adrian Stroie - Cynefin and Test Planning – an Option for Choosing the Right Test HD

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Lucian Adrian Stroie - Cynefin and Test Planning – an Option for Choosing the Right Test.
TestCon Moscow 2017 Conference, April 27. Testing is a complex activity, involving many decision points and multiple possible approaches to the same end goal, that of ensuring the most useful information is provided about the tested software. At the same time, nature is also complex, and an inspiration source for some very useful models, such as Cynefin. This sense-making and context determining model is quite popular in the agile practices world, and can also be a good candidate for testing. Is test automation the best approach? Should automation alternatives be considered? Should I build or buy my testing solution? These are some of the questions that people involved in testing are facing many times, and that can be made easier to answer to with the help of the Cynefin framework. The proposed session is an example of using Cynefin to make sense of the testing context, thus helping to determine the most suitable approach for testing. At the same time, since Cynefin is not a static model, the session highlights how the testing context is or can be changed, updating accordingly the testing approach.
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