C#: C# WPF Tutorial #1 - What is WPF? - видео HD

C#: C# WPF Tutorial #1 - What is WPF? - видео
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C# WPF Tutorial #1 - What is WPF? - видео.

A brief description on Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), a .NET UI framework.

This is the first video of a series on using WPF with C#, and I thought it was important to first explain what it is and why you might use it (next video!) so you can make an informed decision on whether or not it is right for you!

Happy Coding!

0:00 Intro
0:20 What is WPF?
0:39 Console vs. WPF UI
1:03 More about WPF
1:41 Next Up

Looking forward to this one! I've played with winform a bit but not wpf. Is wpf as quick as winform to put together a quick gui for an app if you just need something with a couple of buttons?
jos bexerr
Gracias Mister Kampa por los tutoriales
Justin Kemp
Stick around for the next vid? I downloaded your whole playlist
Heschel Ju
Hi teacher,I am a WPF programmer, I want to further improve my ability, but I don't know where to start. I hope you can give me some advice, thank you