C#: C#'s Functional Journey - видео HD

C#: C#'s Functional Journey - видео
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C#'s Functional Journey - видео.

Uncover emerging trends and practices from the world’s most innovative software professionals at QCon Plus (Nov 1-12, 2021): bit.ly/3dJxdwm
QCon Plus is an online international software development conference spaced over 2 weeks for senior software engineers, software architects and team leaders. Focus on the topics that matter in software development right now. Deep-dive with 64+ world-class software leaders. Stay ahead of the adoption curve and shape your roadmap with QCon Plus.
Video with transcript included: bit.ly/3cymLYx

Mads Torgersen discusses how object-oriented languages, particularly C#, have adopted functional features, and what to expect next.

This presentation was recorded at QCon Plus 2020: bit.ly/3pfdF6I

#dotnet #Csharp #Microsoft
Jagat krishna
Thanks! Sir
Jagat krishna
Requesting kindly make more n more videos on c#
Mads is my crush
Alexander Khotyanov
Having written C# in the past and currently writing Scala, it feels like I’m writing C# 10-15yrs in the future. With type classes, HKT might be next in line and then C# will be in some ways more functional than F#. Mutable records and other C# shoot in the foot constructs are an open door for bugs in production.
Could we have default contants in the same way as nullable references was implemented? I want every reference to be constant by default! It is the biggest flaw of C# now.
Coding Jesus
Great. Thank you!