C#: Building .NET Hybrid Apps with Blazor - видео HD

C#: Building .NET Hybrid Apps with Blazor - видео
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Building .NET Hybrid Apps with Blazor - видео.

WebView2 is Microsoft's new embedded web browser control, built on top oHybrid apps are native apps that use web technologies for the UI. In this session we'll look at how you can use Blazor to build hybrid apps using .NET instead of JavaScript. We'll explore building .NET hybrid apps for mobile and desktop using the experimental Mobile Blazor Bindings, and then discuss our plans for supporting cross-platform hybrid desktop apps with .NET 6 and .NET Multi-platform App UI.

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Yudhi Bayu
awesome, but for some security reason we still need signal R, where many local hosting not support signal R. I will wait until MAUI
Kolappan Nathan
Really excited for .Net MAUI
Abraham Ebuka
This is gonna end Javascript frameworks in dotnet communities
Barát Gábor
Wow, can't wait for .NET 6, based on what was said. Probably I'll jump into Blazor at that point.
I am asking because of couldn't watch completely the video. To develop hybrid app should I use webview embedded browser or not? Thanks for yuour answering
Keyboard G
Goodbye electron
Fredrik Klintebäck
I am considering hybrid for migrating an existing monolithic WPF app towards a microservice architecture where at least some microservices should expose their own UI. Authentication is one issue, the WPF app authorizes users in Azure AD, we don't want another login in each microservice.
David Kochheiser
So now Blazor and MAUI are doing the exact same thing? Doesn't give me warm and fuzzies starting a new project with Blazor or MAUI
Ahmed Fouad
Thanh Dũng Nguyễn
Nice, thank you