DATA MINER: Adam Carmi - Advanced Test Automation Techniques for Responsive Apps and Sites HD

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Adam Carmi - Advanced Test Automation Techniques for Responsive Apps and Sites.
TestCon Moscow 2017 Conference, April 27. Responsive web design has become the preferred approach for building sites and apps that provide an optimal viewing and interaction experience on any phone, tablet, desktop or wearable device. However, automatically testing these responsive sites and apps can be quite a challenge, due to the need to cover all supported layouts, their respective navigation, and visible content. In this session, we will implement a complete Selenium-based automated test for a popular responsive website from scratch. You will learn how to effectively design responsive page objects, implement generic tests that work for all the layouts of your app, control the browser’s viewport size to accurately target layout transition points, incorporate layout-specific assertions in your tests, and visually validate the correctness of your app’s layout. We will also share tips and best practices for test planning and execution.
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