DATA MINER: Gualtiero Bazzana - ISTQB(r): the New Product Portfolio and Results from Worldwide Surve HD

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Gualtiero Bazzana - ISTQB(r): the New Product Portfolio and Results from Worldwide Surve.
TestCon Moscow 2017 Conference, April 27. ISTQB is the scheme leader worldwide for certifying sw tester professionals; the scheme is undergoing a major evolution, covering not only the traditional Core testing practices but giving more and more emphasis on Agile Testing and on Specialist certification (eg: Test Automation, Security Testing, Testing in Automotive, etc.) The goal of the speech is to give an overview of the current status of ISTBQ (footprint, growth, product portfolio) and in its planned evolutions; the presentation will be enriched by the results of several worldwide surveys on test effectiveness conducted by ISTQB® and other bodies, providing insights into the future trends and the economics of SW testing
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