DATA MINER: Tamir Dresher - Testing and Time and Concurrency With Rx.NET Schedulers HD

DATA MINER: Tamir Dresher - Testing and Time and Concurrency With Rx.NET Schedulers
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DATA MINER 239 роликов

DATA MINER LABS - международная компания по обучению, которая специализируется в области Business Intelligence, Data Analytics & Data Mining.

Tamir Dresher - Testing and Time and Concurrency With Rx.NET Schedulers.

TestCon Moscow 2017 Conference, April 27. Working with asynchronous services has always been a desirable approach and a necessity when creating a responsive, Connected, Data-intensive application. Today, when every application needs to work with sources like Facebook, Twitter, device sensors and Cloud Services, this task become harder and harder. Even harder than creating such applications is testing them for scenarios that involve time and concurrent processing. Reactive Extensions (Rx) makes this easy, with the concept of parameterized concurrency with Schedulers and Virtual Time. In this session, you’ll understand how reactive programming with Rx.NET can simplify your code and tests.
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