DATA MINER: Vaidas Pilkauskas - Can You Trust Your Tests? HD

DATA MINER: Vaidas Pilkauskas - Can You Trust Your Tests?

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Vaidas Pilkauskas - Can You Trust Your Tests?.

TestCon Vilnius 2016. Software Testing & QA Conference. October 21, 2016 | Nobody argues these days that unit tests are useful and provide valuable feedback about your code. But who watches the watchmen? Or, in other words, who is testing tests themselves? Let’s talk about test code quality, code coverage and introduce mutation based testing techniques. Ideas behind mutation testing are nothing new in academic world, but only now become recognized by software developers while programming their production systems. This talk will look into how mutation testing can be used to improve your test-driven development cycle and will try to answer if existing tooling is mature enough to be used while coding your daily tasks.
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