DATA MINER: Mark Fewster - Equivalence Partitioning & Boundary Value Analysis: Old Hat or Cutting Ed HD

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Mark Fewster - Equivalence Partitioning & Boundary Value Analysis: Old Hat or Cutting Ed.
TestCon Moscow 2017 Conference, April 27. Are you benefiting from test automation? Are you sure this will continue? Do you worry that your automated testing will falter and fail? After starting well, many test automation efforts do not grow from strength to strength but fail to keep pace with the increasing demands placed upon them. What we learn from the automated tests then becomes less useful, less reliable and misleading. Fortunately, this decline is not inevitable. It is possible to spot the symptoms of trouble early on and take action to correct the issues before they inflict long-term damage. We need to learn to distinguish between automation that is and is not healthy, by understanding the symptoms of test automation disorder and disease, and by learning which trends to monitor.
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