PHP: Build a Website from Start to Finish using WordPress [Full Course] - видео HD

PHP: Build a Website from Start to Finish using WordPress [Full Course] - видео
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Build a Website from Start to Finish using WordPress [Full Course] - видео.

Learn how to build a completely custom website using WordPress, PHP, HTML, CSS, and Elementor. You will learn how set up your local server, create the design, and build a custom WordPress theme that works with Elementor.

The design section is sped up because it is just an example about how the design is done. You can create your own design or use a preexisting design.

Once you have learned how to build out your website, you will learn how to get it from your local server to a production server and how to setup SEO, security, and caching the right way.

Don't worry if you don't know much PHP. Everything you need is explained in the course.

Dev Drawer
I hope you find this video interesting. It was a fun project and it is versatile, so you can take the core concepts and build on it to make a large variety of websites. Good luck.
anton hangano
For some reason when I reach the CSS part around 1:14:45 I apply changes but I cannot see it on the website. Does it happen to somebody else?
This is my second time doing it all over again moving the files in different folder just to see if it was that but I cannot find the problem at all.
Aneeq Akbar
The best course for WP theme development! Not a single minute is wasted
Khalid Temsamani
I ll sit in the last table
Saif Ur Rehman
I am following the same steps of yours, for the home page, but my CSS is not working. Kindly guide me.
Saif Ur Rehman
It's a nice video. However, you didn't check any posts. Following your code, I notice on my post that it is never-ending, showing the same post many times, the loop is not ending. Kindly guide me what code and where I must add.
This is such a great tutorial video. Howver I am having issues replicating the style sheet with the practice-areas.php sheet, the design is not applying, what to do? many thanks!
Philip S
just wondering on the wordpress loop why sometimes you use if(have_posts(): while(have_posts());… and other times you just use the while loop alone while(have_posts()):… so wondering when we should inclide the if condition when looping if while is sufficient by itself
Im done self studying this course! thank you thank you thank you dev drawer! I've learned so much from this course!
Sergio Hernandez
FYI for anyone new watching this, this isnt beginner friendly lol