PLM: Agile PLM Training | Agile PLM Online Certification Course [Oracle Agile PLM] - MindMajix - ви HD

PLM: Agile PLM Training | Agile PLM Online Certification Course [Oracle Agile PLM] - MindMajix - ви
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Agile PLM Training | Agile PLM Online Certification Course [Oracle Agile PLM] - MindMajix - ви.

Mindmajix video session on Agile PLM online training for both freshers and experience will help to learn the basics of the Agile PLM tool and progresses towards configuring and administering an Agile PLM system. This Agile PLM Training video also helps you to explore the advanced configuration functions necessary to set up and manage an Agile system with industry use cases and projects.

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Shoeb Mechanical
Can mechanical engineer do this?
Rohit Kamble
Please make more videos on Agile PLM.
maahi shetty
Cost of the course??